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Melihat Keputusan Spm 2016

Untuk semak keputusan spm tahun 2018 yang terkini pada hari ini: sila klik pautan berikut untuk semakan online: semakan keputusan spm 2018 atau rujuk terus semakan sms dibawah. Selain itu, suka juga kami hendak kongsikan, hala tuju untuk pelajar lepasan SPM yang boleh dijadikan panduan. Semakan Bil Astro Online Dan SMS, cara semak bil astro secara online dan sms, semak bil astro. Semakan Keputusan STPM 2017 Online (Keseluruhan).

  1. Melihat Keputusan Spm 2016 Bahasa

Healthy Competition'Life is not fair, so get used to it'. As some said this was spoke by Bill Gates in front of a group of high school students. It is said and agreed by many, inequality exist everywhere in this world and is the fundamental basis of the relations between human societies. Like it or not you have to live with it!

Melihat Keputusan Spm 2016Keputusan

Inequalities distinguish human beings, be in the aspect of physical ability, mental ability or opportunities to various resources. The situation is compounded by another factor - competition. To get the best out of life, we are apt to compete and competition begins at school and continues in our adult lives.The question whether competition is necessary in education becomes pertinent because whether we are in business or in a profession we have to progress and moving upward. Excellent achievement is everybody's business. Life cannot be static. You will be kick out if not knock out if you stops, so to say.

Competition in school enables an individual to aim high, and the competitive spirit developed in school will become an asset in one's endeavour to progress in his chosen career. The paper chase we talk about today is a reflection of the competition in society. The spirit of competition cultivated and developed and made part and parcel of a person's mental makeup during his student days will stand him in good stead throughout his professional career.

A successful career always depends on the degree of excellence a person achieves and the recognition he gets on the basis of his excellent performance. The spirit of competition can best be cultivated in one's student days in schools and colleges.

Melihat Keputusan Spm 2016 Bahasa

Sentinel rms license manager 8.5.1. On the other hand, competition can have deleterious results if a student is not realistic in his expectations and not aware of his limitations. Individuals are not equally endowed, not everybody are talented; their aptitudes and inclinations differ. If one without an aptitude for Maths competes with one with a marked aptitude for the subject, other things remaining equal, it is not likely that the former would be able to compete successfully with the latter. There is the possibility of the student, after repeated disappointments, to be frustrated; his mental health may be affected. Although 'survival fittest' always holds, in some instances an individual need to be made aware of his limits and counselled to accept first what he is capable of so that competition becomes healthy and directed towards bringing out his best.

There is also the risk of a student, after repeatedly failing to achieve his target, losing his interest and completely switching off. Then the system would have failed to help the individual to develop his full potentialities. Healthy competition is possible only if everybody have healthy minds and correct moral values, but is this our very world showing this trend now?