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Civ 4 Nobles Club Fourth

The Japanese people represent a civilization in Civilization IV. This section requires expansion. Occurred around the mid-4th century. The 6th century reign of Kentai (507-531 AD) represented a decline of Yamato influence both at home and abroad; the period can be characterized by the growing accumulation of power by regional leaders and a.

The peninsula of Korea is located between China and Japan, which is a position that determined the national history and character of its town. The territory was frequently an arena for the battles of Chinese, Mongolian, and Japanese armies, which historically has caused Korea to be known as the “Hermit Kingdom”, due to its hermeticism to the foreign threats.The history of human presence in Korea goes back to the Paleolithic period, about 500,000 years ago.

Ancient Korean Civilization History The History of the Ancient Korean Civilization. The thresholds of Korean history are usually located in the year 2,333 BC., when King Tangun., a legendary figure born of the son of Heaven and a woman belonging to a testamentary token of the bear, founded the first Korean kingdom, called Choson, which literally means “The Land of Morning Calm”. It is known for sure that the old Korea was characterized by the existence of clan communities that united forming state cities, which emerged and disappeared with time. During this period, tribe commune systems were well established, and young warriors engaged in martial arts training to protect their community. Fighting with empty hands included training in daligi (running), dunjiki (throwing), jileuki (punching), balchaki (kicking), and su young (swimming).The use of the horse changed the way of life of these tribes: they began to travel long distances, frequent contacts with other tribes arose, alliances were established, and confederations were forced to appear. The warriors then trained in martial arts with more method and planning.

In the selection of officers and senior officials, his dominance of the arts of war was decisively important.The development of horse-fighting skills was a sign of a high-class fighter. The foot warrior practiced empty-handed struggle and weapons techniques, weapons which he kept at home. Ancient Korean WarriorThe winner of the battle thus became sovereign, and the loser a dominated slave.

In those times the position of the king was not inherited but was given to the strongest warrior among the confederation of tribes. According to the Samkukyusa (one of the most eminent books of ancient Korean history), Dong Myung, the founder of the kingdom of Koguryo, was an expert in archery.During the ancient Choson boom period, other tribal states flourished on the peninsula, such as Puyo, in the Manchurian region of the Sungari River Basin, and Jin, which during the second century BC emerged south of the Han River and was later Divided into three tribal states (Mahan, Chinhan, and Pyonhan). During its first phase, the capital of Gojoseon is in Liaoning; Around 400 BC, and later moved to Pyongyang.In 108 BC, the Chinese Empire defeated the Kingdom of Choson and replaced it with four Chinese colonies, a period characterized by the domination of the Han Chinese dynasty of the northern half of the peninsula, to the gradual expulsion of the Chinese as well as the creation of three kingdoms on the peninsula, which would usher in the period known as “The Three Kingdoms.”.

Three Kingdoms PeriodAccording to the Korean chronicles, the first roots of the Three Kingdoms can be found in 57 BC, when the kingdom of Saro (later Silla) in the southeast of the peninsula gained autonomy from China in the Han dynasty. Koguryo, meanwhile, emerged on the north and south banks of the Yalu River (Amnok River in Korean). The first reference to the name “Koguryo” in the Chinese chronicles comes from the year 75 A.C., as a local district.

According to Korean sources, it became independent from China in 37 BC. The city-states gradually merged into tribal leagues with complex political structures that eventually became kingdoms.The Korean chronicles recorded the year 18 B.C. As the year of establishment of Paekche.

The capital was initially found near what is now Seoul, later moved south to Ungjin (now Gongju) and then further south to Sabi (now Buyeo). However, the Chinese chronicles suggest that Paekche was established in the fourth century by a general of Koguryo.As the origins of the three kingdoms can be dated in the 1st century B.C., it is sometimes considered that the period of the Three Kingdoms covers the entire period from the first century B.C. And the 7th century of our era. However, historical and archaeological evidence shows a profound change in the nature of life on the peninsula around the fourth century, which is why most historians consider that the period of the Three Kingdoms proper began around the year 300 A.D. Before that year, there is little evidence to indicate a political organization above the level of the walled city-state in the south of the peninsula.

The historiographical evidence indicates that entities like Mahan and Jinhan had more power than the still very primitive kingdoms of Silla and Paekche, which only appear as minor states in the “ San guo zhi” of the third century. From the fourth century, the three kingdoms began to appear regularly in the Chinese chronicles of the time. Three Kingdoms of Korea. MapDuring the Han Dynasty, commandos were established to govern a large part of the north of the Korean peninsula. After the end of the Han Dynasty, at the beginning of the third century, these commandos continued to exist for some time as quasi-independent states.

The last to fall, the command of Lelang, was conquered by Koguryo in 313. Thus, the beginning of the period of Three Kingdoms was characterized by the elimination of Chinese influence and a readjustment of power relations in the peninsula.The three kingdoms shared a similar cultural heritage. It is believed that their original religions were of a shamanist type, but were gradually incorporating Chinese influences, particularly Confucianism and Taoism. In the fourth century, Buddhism was introduced into the peninsula and expanded rapidly, becoming the official religion of the three kingdoms in a relatively short time. The Three Kingdoms Koguryo or GoguryeoKoguryo or Goguryeo was an ancient kingdom that was compromised of the south of Manchuria, the south of the Russian maritime province, and the north and central zones of the Korean peninsula. During the period of the Three Kingdoms, the kingdom of Silla established an alliance with the Tang dynasty of China to subdue Koguryo and Paekche, but the Chinese Empire turned out to be a treacherous ally, since its true intentions consisted in conquering for themselves the territories Of Paekche and Koguryo.

Before this situation, the kingdom of Silla had to declare the war to them and in the year 676 d. Expelled the Chinese armies and established the first unified state in the Korean peninsula.Although politically speaking the three kingdoms were divided, ethnically and linguistically they were strongly intertwined. These three kingdoms, in turn, developed a sophisticated political and legal structure, and adopted the Confucian morality and Buddhist religion. For centuries, conflicts continued to increase among them with several alternative alliances of two against one, against China or against the other two.The triumph of Silla’s reign over the Chinese Tang Dynasty in 676 marked a historic event for Korean history. Silla managed to expel the Chinese from the peninsula and unified the territory for the first time in history. The Koguryo refugees then repelled Tang’s troops in Manchuria and the north of the peninsula, and established the kingdom of Balhae in 698.

This period is known as the Northern and Southern Kingdoms.In Silla the most famous group of experts in martial arts was the Hwarangdo (“Men or blossoming knights”). The leaders of this group were the sons of noble warriors. Leader of the group was called Hwarang and his followers were called Nangdo. During their training, they traveled to the rugged mountainous areas, the rivers, and seacoasts to train in military techniques and martial arts. Included in the training was the study of classical literature as well as that of dance and music.

Ancient Korean ArtAfter the long for unification of the kingdoms by Silla in 668, the popularity of martial arts gradually declined. Freed from the concerns of internal struggles and foreign interventions, there was a rapid rise in art, religion, commerce, education, and other fields in which development was remarkable. The capital of Silla, now Kyongju, had a population of more than one million inhabitants in its day, currently about 650,000, which may help to get an idea of the importance it had in its time. Buddhism flourished under the protection of the nobility and exerted a great influence in the affairs of the state, the artistic and moral creation. Silla reached the apogee of its prosperity and power in the middle of the eighth century, but later gradually fell into decay. The fighting in the nobility was intensified, while leaders of rebel groups claimed the right to the succession of the kingdoms that had been defeated, Koguryo and Paekche.

BalhaeTae Cho-yong, a veteran general of Koguryo, founded Balhae south of Central Manchuria in a region belonging to the late kingdom of Koguryo. Balhae not only had refugees from Koguryo but also a large population of Mongols.Balhae established a system of governance of five regional capitals based on the existing administrative structure in Koguryo. He succeeded in developing an advanced culture, based on the culture of Koguryo, to the extent that China called it “the flourishing country of the east.”During the heyday of its power, it occupied a vast territory that extended by the most northern part of the Korean peninsula and a great part of Manchuria including territories that at the moment belong to the Russian Federation. Soon it collided with the kingdom of Silla and the Tang dynasty, although later it initiated a peaceful relation with China. It also established diplomatic ties with the Ottoman Empire and Japan. Goryeo DynastyGoryeo (918-1392) (in Hangul alphabet: 고려, in hanja: 國 國, also written as Koryŏ) was a Korean dynasty founded in 918 by King Wang Geon (also known as King Taejo).By the end of the eighth century, Silla had been weakened by the internal struggles of the nobles, and by the tenth century the leaders of powerful local factions, such as Gungye and Gyeon Hwon, had established their own governments. During the year 892, Gyeon Hwon established a kingdom called the Late Paekche, with Wansanju as its capital and controlled the territory of present Jeolla-do and Chungcheong-do.In 901, Gungye, member of the royal family of Silla, founded Late Goguryeo that controlled the present Gangwon-do and Gyeonggi-do.

He reformed the system of government, expanded the territory and moved the capital to Cheorwon. He also changed the name of the country to Taebong.Gungye was losing popularity among his subjects, but still retained control over local leaders and entrenched his aspiration to the throne.

He was eventually expelled by Wang Geon, a local Song-do leader, in 918. Wang Geon established as the capital of the kingdom his hometown Song-do (Actual Kaesong) and announced a policy for recovering the lost territory of Goguryeo in Manchuria. For this reason, he called his kingdom Goryeo, from where comes the current name of Korea.

Goryeo maintained the hostilities with Late Paekche and adopted a policy of positive confrontation with Silla. In 935, the unified kingdom of Silla was peacefully incorporated to Goryeo and soon in the year 936 Paekche Late also fell under its dominion. Thus, Wang Geon unified the three kingdoms of the Korean peninsula for the first time, becoming a very important figure in Korean history. Wang GeonGoryeo adopted Confucianism as an official ideology and established an effective system of education with the creation of Gukjagam (a national higher education institution) and numerous hyanggyo (private schools). Buddhism also exerted a considerable influence on the society of Goryeo in general, which reached a great splendor and stimulated the construction of temples and the carving of images of Buddha.The kingdom exercised a dynamic trade with many countries, including China during the Song dynasty.

Many traders from China, Central Asia, Arabia, Southeast Asia and Japan traveled to Byeongnando, the gateway to the capital, Gaeseong. Traders of the Song Dynasty sold silk and herbal medicines, and those of Goryeo sold hemp and gingseng fabrics. From Arabia, it imported ivory, crystal, and amber. Also, the name ‘Korea’ originated from Goryeo during this period.In the kingdom of Goryeo a magnificent culture was born. The inlaid designs of the jade-green porcelain of Goryeo attest to a unique art unprecedented in other parts of the world at that time.

The Korean Tripitaka (a Korean collection of Buddhist scriptures, carved from 81,258 blocks of wood) from the Goryeo period, is the essence of Buddhist culture and cusp of the achievements of wood block printing technology.

The started out as a way for Noble-level (and below) players to improve their game. Most of the original participants now play at much higher levels, so this has become a way for advanced players to help others learn to play better.

You can play your own game at any level and with any mod, but it would be nice to comment on the games of other players and give them advice.Our next leader is Leader of Civ, whom we last played in; we last played the Civs under Leader in. The Civs start with tech1 and tech2.IMG link for leader. Traits: Leader is trait1 and trait2. The UB: The UB, a base building with improvement.IMG link for UB.

The UU: The UU, a base unit with improvement.IMG link for UUAnd the start:IMG link for starting position. There are no hard and fast rules here: fun and learning are our primary goals, but we do suggest that you update your progress at various points in the game, using the Spoiler feature of the boards. You can post as often as you like; here's one suggestion:.

4000 BC (starting thoughts, no spoiler required for that discussion). 1000 BC or so (how you decided to progress up the early tech/build paths, which AIs you have met, where you're thinking of putting cities, etc). 500 AD or so (after establishing some cities and a possible plan of action). 1200 AD or so (mid-game, Lib race, wars or peace, or whichever happened or didn't, met other. continent if applicable, etc). 1600 AD (or when you have decided on a course of action and a specific victory condition). End of game (Victory!!!

Or defeat, no shame in losing, especially if you tried a higher level. Learning is what we focus on, not fastest win or biggest empire)This is just a guideline. If you're trying to improve your game, then posting more frequent updates, in as much detail as you can manage, is the best way to get suggestions from other players.

If you come to what seems like a major decision and you want some advice, post an update, regardless of what game-year it is.We also welcome players to ask for specific game advice, as we have a number of stronger players who lurk and help out with solid tips, and of course, we help each other. Replies to specific questions should also be in spoilers, with a simple '@' in front of the person the answer is directed towards.Special Thanks go to Bleys and TMIT, who really made this series a great one, rrolo1, mapmaker extraordinaire, for his maps in the early days of the series, and all of you for playing. Click to expand.The WB-saves are attached (zipped; they are bigger than standard saves). To play, simply download and unzip it into your BTS/Saves/WorldBuilder folder.

Start the game, and load your favorite MOD (if you use one, if not, check out the ), select 'Play Scenario', and look for ' NC number Leader Noble' (or Monarch, etc., for higher levels). You can play with your favorite MOD at the Level and Speed of your choice. From Quick-Warlord to Marathon-Deity, all are welcome! We stuck with the name 'Nobles Club' because it has a cool ring to it. In each scenario file you can select your level of difficulty, but that doesn't give the AI the right bonus techs by itself.

Use the Noble save for all levels at and below Prince. The Monarch save gives all the AI Archery. Emperor adds Hunting; Immortal adds Agriculture; Deity adds The Wheel.For players on Monarch or above, you should add archery as a tech for the barbarians (if you don't, the AI will capture their cities very early). This cannot be done in the WB save file and must be done in Worldbuilder as follows.

Civ 4 Nobles Club Fourth Of England

Zoom in all the way so you can't see the rest of the map. Use the CTRL-W key (or the menu) to enter the worldbuilder. Avoid looking at the mini-map in the lower right corner. By default you're in 'player' mode (look in the box in the upper right; the icon that looks like a person should be selected).

You'll get a drop down menu labeled with your leader's name. Barbarians are at the bottom, so cover the rest of the list with your hand if you don't want to see who else is on the map. Select 'Barbarians'. Select the 'Technologies' tab in the box on the left. Find Archery (the arrow head icon; 8th row, 3rd column from the right) and click it. Exit the worldbuilder. Zoom out again after the map fades, and start playing.If you're playing at higher level than Monarch, consider also giving them Hunting at Emperor, Agriculture at Immortal, and The Wheel at Deity.

FIN and PHI are traits that are fairly easy to play. SPI/IND, another set of great traits, on a Continents map. CRE/AGG, Pangaea Map, great UU for a Conquest/Domination situation. Map unknown. But an attempt to try and learn to play an SE with a strong leader for that style. A water based map with a very strong leader on that type of map.

Trade Route Economy learner. Another 'war oriented' type of game, with Aggressive AI setting turned on, and a Civ with solid warmongering traits and UU/UB. Who is the AI that makes you groan the most when he pops up?

For me, its no contest, SB takes it by a mile!. A flexible leader suited for war or building, on a Pangaea map!. OK guys, here it is, another water leader with a solid UU. I requested some special features this map, but I dont want to give away too much. I will tell you that rolo used the new Tectonics format, but he assures me we will be able to have both some Barb lands and AIs that arent reachable pre-Optics. Our leader = Zara has an excellent combo of traits, both of which aid in one of this games primary goal, grabbing land.

His starting techs arent bad either, although unless you start with deer, you need food to get some food techs going:. A known backstabber, Catherine has traits that truly excel when REXing. CRE means fast border pops and IMP means fast settlers. But beware, overexpansion is a very real possibility in the hands of the human player. Alright so a bunch of us (me (Krick19) included) thought Elizabeth would be a great leader to take us to the next level. So she's back and badder than ever!

Her traits are great, FIN and PHI, two of my faves. This calls for a great hybrid economy. Her UU, the Redcoat gets a 25% bonus against Gunpowder Units, which is really helpful when you're attacking muskets or rifles. Lastly the UB is a Bank with 65% more income instead of 50%. This combines for a nasty combo. Hello everybody, TMIT takes a break from messing with AI XMLs to present the 13th installment of the Noble's Club series! Our leader is Aggressive and Philosophical.

This match of traits allows for some economy (especially early) and some warmongering!. Sal is considered by many to be a weak leader, lending mostly to his protective trait. Nevertheless, he boasts a solid, early UB that allows for some culture control and religious manipulation via great prophets.only Egypt can get them this easily other than Arabia!

The UU is a knight that does not require Iron, and with a hefty bonus to its withdrawal chance, making medieval combat a little more intriguing. America.America. We bestow questionable UUs and UBs on thee. Nonetheless, the collection of leaders for this civ have strong traits, and the starting techs are nice and allow for versatility also. Our leader today is known for wonderspam and for the fact that he is probably the fastest person to get the Great Lighthouse in the game. We all know him.

Some probably hate him. Tied with 3 other AIs for the most probability to train units, Shaka is a devastating warmonger that declares at pleased.

The Impi is a utility troop and is a little difficult to use against targets with metal, but if an opponent lacks it has all the devastating power of traditional mounted troop charges. The UB is among the top in the game, early maintenance reduction in a barracks that coupled with the courthouse is nearly as strong a total effect as Holy Rome's. One of the game's biggest one-trick ponies, Toku is all military and no economy. Unless, of course, you count having more cities as economy. The UU is fairly strong if you get there in time, the UB is not that strong in my opinion but hey, at least you're guaranteed to have full advantage if you get infantry.

Not that you'll need the help with the game's best gunpowder troops. This time we are using: THE NETHERLANDS! Many will argue he's a top leader on a water map due to the UB. I personally think the UB is good but far from great, because it comes later. However, it has the potential to shine on a map like this. Combine it with Moai for some true abuse.

The UU is a bit cooler, since it's more cost-effective to invade. Good hunting!. This time we are using: France. With the little general. UB isn't the worst thing ever, just close. The UU IMO is underrated, as are units with 1 move in general.

Musket smackdown! How fast can YOU get to gunpowder?!. Rpp matematika kelas 4 semester 1 sd k13 tgt 10. Whip till you bleed! It's everyone's favorite zealous backstabbing #2 tier (as an AI) warmonger, Montezuma! The UU is a niche unit but quite useful potentially.

One of the best in the game. It's borderline unlimited whips. Rangar, everyones favorite wannabe Horn Get ready for some intercontinental delivery of pain.

UU is a Maceman with added city attack and free amphibious, perfect for building an medival coastal empire, UB is a Lighthouse which makes your ships faster. Silly Man! It's been gone over in recent times, but the Ottomans are among the most well-rounded civs in the game. Silly Man gets less of the spotlight than the dreaded Mehmed, but is actually a top flight leader with powerful expansion and power tech traits!.: Hatsheput. When there are discussions for 'best leader in the game', Hatty rarely sees #1. Ask people for their top 5?

Civ4 Noble Club Fourth

Suddenly, it's different. The better warmonger of Egypt's starting two, Hatty can set the tone with war chariots, fast expansion and great people, and flexibility.


Civ 4 Nobles Club Fourth Grade

Others rate her looks, but this isn't the place for that.: Wang Kon of Korea is the leader of the day. Usually when played by the AI he's a weakling which nevertheless manages to have a lot of friends, due to his Religion, and able to keep up in tech even when pitifully small.: okay. Next NC, this time with Cyrus, Usually seen as the more warmongering of the persian leaders, whereas Darius is more of a economic jugganaut. Cyrus is able to both get many big cities early on due to his faster settlers and +1 happiness, or if the map lets you, get a big, fast promoted, army and clean out any enemies close by.: Your UU is a resource-less spear, the UB is the quite-good ball court.

Try to use the UU for anti-barbs (and fogbust enough to avoid seeing axes), and the UB can allow for an early elephant/cat war to be more appealing if you want to go that route.:Gandhi is considered by many the weaker of the two Indian leaders. His traits: PHI allows for early great people, while SPI is asking for civic abuse.

All in all his traits lend to a specialist heavy warring game, while bulbing key techs. Our starting techs are Mysticism and Mining.: 'If the opposition disarms, well and good. If it refuses to disarm, we shall disarm it ourselves.' Joseph Stalin.Stalin is both aggressive and industrious. He is also the only aggressive leader to start with mining, giving possible early access to BW.

The other Russian starting tech is Hunting.: The Celtic UU, Gallic Warrior, is a swordsman who starts with Guerrilla I; you need Iron Working, but only copper (or iron) to build them. The UB, the Dun, is a wall that grants Guerrilla I to units built in the city - but only Archery, Recon, and Gunpowder units qualify. It seemed to me her civilization's UU and UB would both work better on a Highlands map, which tends to have more hills. Standard size, Temperate.

Mountains form ridgelines with normal peaks (both default), and lakes are large. Because there is less water than on some other map types, there are 7 opponents instead of 6.: The burger king is all over your face.: Guy? Sniveling backstabber/culture whore? You decide.: He doesn't tell lies and doesn't take prisoners. He charismatically grows his healthy cities and liberates them from the incompetents who don't follow his model.: Eek, more GREEK.CULTURE! A lot of facial hair and even more helmet makes for a balanced leader.

Put on your armor and join the fray.: THE leader of the Romans is the better warmonger of the two, and very dynamic. He can pound out 2-3 opponents on any level below deity with prats alone (and can probably take down 1-2 on deity if they're softer targets). If he doesn't have neighbors, he can set his cities up cheaply and quickly and has the means to pay for them.

You don't get a top UB, but you can't have everything, unless you take it with prats.: Combining expansion speed with long term commerce potential just got easier. Milk the overrated UU best you can, but use the traits to carry.: The Keshik tornado returns after a long time off in the Noble's Club.: Asoka greets the NC, with balance traits and a UU that never gets old. The UB is less known but can be nice if going for a mid-game espionage push or planning a big war.: One of the game's most balanced leaders takes on a fantastic start on the big and small map script, which TMIT personally dislikes about as much as archipelago. Mehmed's traits and uniques leave most strategies 'play the map'.: America is back! Use your fishing tech to your advantage as this time you are swimming early. Here are the edits to turn a regular WB save file into something playable for a map series game. This presumes you created a Noble game to start with (to get the mimimal set of AI techs), with huts and events turned on.

It also assumes your player's civilization is the first one and that you are leaving the 'teams' defaulted to one per player/AI. Find 'Speed=xxx' and change 'xxx' to 'NONE'. Find 'MaxTurns=xxx' and change 'xxx' to '0'. Find all occurrences of 'PlayableCiv=1' after the first and change the 1 to 0. This avoids giving the player the option of selecting what should be AI civilizations. Delete all BeginUnit/EndUnit blocks except those with 'UnitOwner=0'.

This is critical to allow AIs to get their appropriate units at higher difficulties while leaving the player's units in the same spots as the initial screen shots. Delete all lines saying 'Handicap='. This lets the AI handicap vary by level. Save the results as the 'noble/huts/events' save file. Add 'Tech=TECHARCHERY' to all teams except TeamID=0 (the player's team). Save the results as the 'monarch/huts/events' save file.

Repeate for TECHHUNTING (emperor), TECHAGRICULTURE (immortal), and TECHTHEWHEEL (deity). I always avoid dulicates if the civ already has the tech but it may be harmless.To get the no huts / no events save files, copy each huts/events save and do the following:. Find all occurrences of 'ImprovementType=IMPROVEMENTGOODYHUT' and change them to blank (or delete the lines they're on). Near the start of the file, after the Speed line add a new line with '(tab)Option=GAMEOPTIONNOEVENTS'I have attached will eventually attach the Emacs macros I use for editing WB files and tijup's Unix scripts, which he explains. Click to expand.Thanks! It's really nice to have somebody do my work for me, especially when I'm swamped, as I am until mid-January.

I do want to prepare Gandhi's map myself, but as usual it would be nice for people to volunteer for the rest. There is no issue with repeating SPI; with 11 traits any 6-leader round has to replicate something. We can try to avoid SPI in round 2 to even things out.@iimperator: I have a I will try to update soon. It in turn is an update of something another NC participant created, so s/he might beat me to it.

I'll add it to the 5th message so it's relatively easy to find. I Have Some Extra Time On My Hands Right Now, and would like to make a map. Is it ok if I use Cathy instead of Stalin to get one of the Russian leaders out of the way? I have a special type of start in mind, which is best suited for Cathy (but the map will be either only slightly edited, or maybe even not edited at all, except for the normal nobles club edits (strat resources etc)).Is there some minimum amount of time which should pass between new nobles club maps?Edit: I missed NZ's post, are you already working on Stalin?