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Games Like Battlefield 3

  1. Games Like Battlefield 3 Cheats
Games Like Battlefield 3

Games Like Battlefield 3 Cheats

Game play was more teamwork oriented, and the community was FAR better.In BF2143 or 2, if you jumped into a transport or attack helicopter, you were guaranteed a good pilot who worked with you. If you request a pickup, someone would come and get you.Gameplay was slower, but more fun. It wasn't run and gun 24/7 kind of like how BF3 & 4 were. It was slower, more strategy based. You might go 20 minutes and only shoot one person, but in those 20 minutes your squad would capture several points and help your team out. How to make wounds in photoshop background.

Now it's just all about who can get the most kills. The counters to TV missile are cover, reactive armor, and smoke/dodging the thing. MAA needs to be closer to the action to provide cover at the objectives, not at the back. Very few MAA players have the skill to hit a jet from that far away, and even those who do are far deadlier if they get up closer where they can get more consistent hits (a player with the skill to make some hits at extreme range will cut a jet to pieces in a single strafing run if they're closer at the objectives). Plus you should be capping flags when the opportunity presents.If you bite it from a TV missile or something else, that's no worse than getting killed otherwise in the course of playing a productive game. The MAA does not need to keep itself alive no matter what, at the cost of being ineffective.I didn't know you could shoot it down, though! I'll have to try that.

38 Games Like Battlefield 4. In Battlefield 4, gamers will experience huge environments, a playground of destruction, access to an arsenal of vehicles, the ability to direct squad mates, and much more in the first entry in the first-person shooter franchise to run on Frostbite 3 technology. 38 Games Like Battlefield 3. Battlefield 3's multiplayer matches see players take on one of four roles: Assault, Support, Engineer and Recon. The Assault class focuses on assault rifles and healing teammates. The Support class focuses on LMGs and supplying ammunition. The Engineer class focuses on supporting and destroying vehicles.

Thanks for that info.