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Oss Provider Operational Support Systems Article

ResultsThe functional and software views of an HSP were designed in a layered architecture. External systems can be interfaced with the HSP using SOAP and REST/JSON. The multi-tenancy model of the HSP was designed as a shared database, with a separate schema for each tenant through a single application, although healthcare data can be physically located on a cloud or in a hospital, depending on regulations. The CDS services were categorized into rule-based services for medications, alert registration services, and knowledge services. IntroductionMost hospitals have adopted an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system, also known as a hospital information system (HIS). Such systems are generally installed and operated as standalone systems in each hospital site, leading to the adoption of many systems and high maintenance costs.

However, many small- and mid-sized hospitals as well as rural hospitals can no longer afford to invest in EHR systems or advanced healthcare information services, such as clinical decision support (CDS), which improve the quality of care and patient safety ,. According to a survey on the adoption of EHR systems in South Korea in 2010 , the adoption rates of EHR systems in Korean tertiary teaching and general hospitals were 50.2% and 35.0%, respectively, due to barriers such as capital requirements and high maintenance costs.As one of the emerging strategic information technologies, cloud computing is promising for its cost efficiency and its potential to provide quality information services in the healthcare industry. Cloud computing is the use of computing resources (hardware and software) that are delivered as a service over a network. Also, cloud computing features three main types of service: Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), which uses virtualization technology; Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), which includes an OS, development tools, and runtime tools; and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), which provides software applications and data. SaaS allows cloud providers to install, manage, and operate software applications, leading to lower operation cost and high provisioning to the end-user.There are various aspects of cloud-based medical healthcare systems, such as infrastructure and dynamic scalability, information sharing, availability, and cloud monitoring tools. MethodsWe defined HSP as a healthcare SaaS platform to provide a mobile, cloud-based modular EHR system.

An operations support system (OSS) is a software component that enables a service provider to monitor, control, analyze, and manage the services on its network. These types of software. Enable Operational Efficiency. As Telecommunication Service Providers and CSPs transform into Digital Service Providers, HPE Operations Support Systems (OSS) solutions bridge the gap from physical to virtualized infrastructure with seamless management of voice, data, and digital services. We enable you to monetize newly-created digital services. Operations Support Systems Enghouse’s out-of-the-box OSS solutions have been deployed by operators worldwide for the planning, design, engineering, provisioning and operations of next-generation converged telecommunications networks.

Shows an overview of an HSP that utilizes cloud technology and infrastructures. We analyzed the architecture requirements of HSPs, including the interface, business services, cloud SaaS, quality attributes, privacy and security, as well as multi-lingual capacity.

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The requirements for a cloud SaaS platform include operational support services (OSS), business support services (BSS), a service consumer portal, a service provider portal, a service development portal, and a cross platform framework for implementing cloud SaaS. The required quality attributes include availability, performance, standardization, productivity, maintainability, and flexibility.

Overview of cloud computing-based Healthcare Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). Overview of a cloud-based Clinical Decision Support Service (CDSS).Regarding basic functional services, we also incorporated fundamental services for patient management, appointment management, and physician order entry into our cloud service for hospitals that do not have an electronic ordering system. These services are needed by non-digitalized hospitals to bring them up to date with CDS content services with low-cost maintenance.Regarding mobile services, the CDS content services and basic functional services must be accessible via smart mobile devices, such as tablet PCs, smart phones, and PCs.We considered international standards in the architecture design of the cloud-based HSP to achieve interoperability with heterogeneous legacy systems. We adopted the Health Level 7 (HL7) Infobutton standard and decision support service standard to provide context-aware knowledge retrieval services ,.

Cloud Computing PlatformBecause we focused on SaaS cloud computing, we used Microsoft's Azure cloud computing for IaaS and PaaS. Microsoft's Azure was adopted because it has been evaluated as a leading cloud computing solution in terms of its comprehensive features for application development and delivery and strategies. We utilized platform & framework, management, and SDK for PaaS, and we utilized virtualization, server, networking, and storage for IaaS.

The Azure services that we utilized were the following: BLOB storage, Queue storage, Table storage, Database service, Cloud service-web role, Cloud service-worker role, Visual studio online, and Traffic manager. Thus, the HSP consisted of healthcare services for CDS and for basic functional services; data services for multi-tenancy and healthcare areas; cloud management services for cloud SaaS, such as OSS and BSS; and technical services for a cloud SaaS application development framework.Mobile services were designed to provide high usability and availability of healthcare information services to medical staff through interactive web technology based on the Mobile Enterprise Application Platform (MEAP). This platform enables one source and multiple services for various mobile operating systems, such as iOS, Android, and Windows Mobile. The cross platform open-source.Net development framework MonoCross was utilized to develop a multi-platform application.


Operational Support Systems Oss

Privacy and Security for Cloud-based Healthcare ServicesTo provide reliable and secure access services to sensitive healthcare data, we reviewed governmental security and privacy regulations and security threats on cloud computing services, such as privileged user access, data location, data segregation, data sharing, account hijacking, and abuse of cloud services ,.We then defined the security requirements for the development of a healthcare SaaS in terms of technical, administrative, and physical aspects, as shown in. Architecture of the Healthcare SaaS Platform (HSP)shows the architecture of the HSP based on the functional view of Microsoft's Azure cloud computing service. It consists of a cloud service consumer (hospital), a cloud service provider, and a cloud service creator. The service consumer/provider portal and the API provide portals and APIs for the consumers, providers, and developers. Regarding technical services, we incorporated a cross-platform UI framework for mobile applications, security for cloud computing services, a base framework for the development of business service, and a service-oriented architecture (SOA) framework for exposing business services to web services. Shows the software view of the implemented HSP. The HSP was designed with a layered architecture consisting of a data source, a data layer, a business layer, a service layer, a business process layer, and a presentation layer.


Operational Support System

External systems can be interfaced with the HSP using SOAP and REST/JSON. Cloud Configuration and Service ModelBecause there are regulatory issues regarding the physical location of patients' medical data, for example, patients' medical data cannot be stored outside hospitals in South Korea, the multi-tenancy model of the HSP was designed as a shared database with separate schema for each tenant though a single application. Healthcare data can be physically located on a cloud or in a hospital, depending on the regulations. Shows the HSP multi-tenancy model.

Oss Provider Operational Support Systems Article

It incorporates a single application and a shared database. Healthcare data can be managed by each tenant. A multitenant database is used to manage the tenant IDs for all tables and views, with a shared database and a shared schema. Healthcare SaaS Platform (HSP) multi-tenancy model, depending on the storage location of the healthcare data: (A) cloud storage or (B) hospital storage.shows the difference between the system usage environments of normal EHR and cloud-based EHR, indicating that users and hospitals do not need to have knowledge and control of the underlying infrastructure when adopting cloud-based computing platform and CDS services. Cloud-based EHR allows self-provisioning and pay-as-you-use as the HSP provides the functions of provisioning, configuration, logging, service management, tenant & user management, metering, and billing.

OSSs are expected to conform to a number of regulatory/compliance standards, and these vary, based not only on where the service provider operates but on its sise, the nature of its business, and so on. Compliance is the responsibility of the provider and not of the vendors who may provide operations support systems or components, and the first thing any professional working with OSS must do is establish the compliance requirements that apply to their business. These requirements must be considered through OSS selection, installation and maintenance.At a high level, there are three types of operations support systems, and you will need to understand clearly which of the three you have, or will deploy:.Integrated single-provider OSS, where the entire software suite is provided by a single vendor. In this case, the integration of features and components is the responsibility of that vendor. In many cases, integrated OSS providers will make statements on the compliance features they offer, and though these can never be taken as authoritative, they will at least provide a starting point in considering compliance requirements.OSS created from a common standard architecture, most likely the architecture defined by the TeleManagement Forum (TMF) enhanced Telecommunications Operations Map (eTOM), which provides detailed structural and interface rules.

Oss Provider Operational Support Systems Articles

In this case, your integration of components of the OSS will be based on this standards set. Standards may in some cases offer broad comment on compliance, but they are less likely to offer rigorous compliance requirements because of the variability of those requirements.OSS created through discrete integration of components. This means you will be building up your OSS by selecting components for integration.

In this case, you will be responsible for the integration of components yourself. With this approach, compliance will be entirely up to your organisation.OSS will typically link to service provider operations processes and personnel in three primary dimensions: customer-facing, partner-facing and network-facing. In each of these areas, variations in provider practices will probably create specialised needs for interfacing and customisation, and it is these areas where most professionals working with OSS will be focusing.The primary question on integration in the customer dimension is the nature of the services. Services with high contract values and long contract terms are often customised manually at the time of order negotiation, and automated customer order tools are sometimes not only not needed but intrusive. On the other hand, services of short duration and low value, especially consumer services, cannot be supported economically without a high degree of automated ordering and customer care.

Operations support system processes that are built around a service model and that support automatic conversion of orders into resource commitments are most suitable where service automation is needed. Where more manual activity is involved, OSS processes based on supporting operations personnel in their activity will be more useful.The partner/supplier dimension is more difficult. Not all service providers will wholesale to or obtain wholesale service components from others. The industry trend is definitely to the contrary, though, and you should probably not assume that this requirement will not affect your operation at some point. Partner/supplier integration involves the exchange of service orders and the exchange of service status. The primary issue in the former is ensuring that the processing of a service order for a wholesale component is fast enough to meet the service creation time target, and that customer care on orders with wholesale components is still effective. This is true whether you are the wholesaler of a component or the receiver of such a component.

Service status exchange will normally mean exchanging network status information on wholesale services, and this should be carefully planned because the passing of this type of information and the correlation of the information with the retail order is often difficult.In the network dimension, the major challenge OSS planners and implementers face is the multiplicity of network equipment and network management systems. There are, at present, no standards that fully define a network management interface to an operations support system at sufficient detail to support complete network control by the OSS processes. Even where there is some standardisation (TMF's Multi Technology Operations System Interface, or MTOSI), it is not supported by all equipment vendors.