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Jarre Songs On Jv 1080

Recently picked up a couple of Roland JV-1080 external hardware synths.GM Bank works great with BB 2011 - Really low cpu useage and zero latency, my main reason for adding harware synths.Having problems accurately playing upper bank patches and expansion card patches.If you're using JV-1080 upper bank patches and expansion card bank patches successfully with BB, please read and reply.Have tried all the Roland.pat files for the JV-1080 - as well as.pat for Roland GM, JV-2080, JV-1010.Have read through the.pat files for info and tried writing my own.pat for the JV-1080. I've read all the.pat help and tutorials I can find. No joy.Reading through the forums, there was a problem a while back with BB playing upper bank patches (which was reported solved with a patch update over a year back). Is it possible this problem still exists for some synths (JV1080)?I've been trying to work through this for several weeks without success.I'm wondering, is BB 2011 actually capable of playing the upper patch banks and expansion cards or do I misunderstand?If someone has a working.pat for the JV-1080 which accurately accesses upper bank and expansion card patches I'd be most grateful to receive a copy. Any advise is welcomed!

Thanks#112890 - 04/28/11 04:46 PM Band-in-a-Box for Windows Re: BB2011 patch map help for Roland JV-1080 synth. Thanks for the reply, Matt.The cakewalk tip was a good source to google.

I found the.ini files for my jv's and the expansion cards.I'm away from my DAW right now, but I'll have a go at converting the.ini files to.pat files and try them.I did manually modify/write some.pat files for the JV1080. Yea, tedious. When selecting the higher patches through biab, sometimes they changed and the instrument sounded as expected (GM and User), most often the instrument which played was obviously not the instrument selected in biab from the '+' pull down menu.Reading through a sonar forum from a google hit, they were writing that - in sonar - one needed to create a default multitibral template on the first performance bank within the JV-1080 unit itself to access the higher banks. And making some sonar specific setting and some JV specific setting for the two to communicate.Is this also the case with biab? Any clue what setting are needed in biab or on the Roland?The documentation on GM with desktop daw in the Roland manual is sketchy. It states to place the JV-1080 on GM mode (shift GM). I get all the familiar GM patches and (many, not all) GS patches selecting those from the 'GS' button on biab gui.Does the JV-1080 need to be in a different (Performance?) mode to access the higher patch banks and expansion card patches and select the instruments through the biab gui interface ('+' pull down menu)?I'm not even going to ask about getting the JV-1080 working with RealBand.

Yet.Thanks in advance.#112892 - 04/28/11 08:36 PM Band-in-a-Box for Windows Re: BB2011 patch map help for Roland JV-1080 synth. The JV-1080 may indeed need to be set to a certain mode to work reliably. I'd try paying attention to that.As for Realband -You may actually find Realband easier for this. Some users appreciate the Classic Tracks window where it is possible to simply enter the bank and patch numbers in a box. Also, RB patchmaps are in a different format than BiaB (especially when converted to the actual binary file patches.bin). So it's also possible you'll see different performance in RB in this respect.

The two programs share a lot of features, but they are quite different in the programming. Don't be afraid to try it.I know BiaB is better for certain approaches to creating a song and in some other aspects.

The laser harp sound was originally created on Elka Synthex using sync and unison. Roland JV-1080 doesn't. As for the jv-1080, it’s a good choice but if you really wanna push the envelope, get an XV-5080. It’s like having a monstrous jv-1080. Pair these two racks with a Motif ES/XS and you have you’re west coast sound.

But RB is just as capable in many other ways. RB, for instance, offers a much more intuitive editing of MIDI and Audio, and many more routing and FX options. MUCH more intuitive mixing. More control over the tracks. More Flexible Realtracks editing and generation.So they are alike in some ways, but very different in many respects. They work hand in hand to get you from creation to finished product.

Create in BiaB, finish it in RB. Lots of us go that route.The cool thing is you get them both when you buy BiaB. Yes, hopefully, someone that's using the JV-1080 with biab will come along. I have a hunch I'm just missing something very simple here.

I've been using softsynths previously and have just recently ventured into the hardware synth realm.The scant 2 pages of instruction in the Roland manual about using the JV-1080 with a desktop computer system states to initalize the GM mode (press shiftGM) 'to play midi scores'. This works fine for selecting the limited GM patch bank - 128 patches - through the biab gui. Of course, I'd like access the higher bank patches and expansion card patches through the biab / rb gui for another 1000+ patches.All the JV's bank and exp card bank patches can be 'demoed' directly from the JV's headphone output (or the audio outs into an amp) and pressing the vol button on the JV. Every 4 note demo plays ok. So they all work.As mentioned before, I've tried all the appropriate Roland.pat files in the bb folder and on pg's.pat file page without higher patch joy. Some of these.pat files are written for a different exp card configuration, so I've also dabled with editing these.

No joy in GM mode.Don't know if it matters, but in configuring the synth in preferences, biab asks to select file from the pull down menu. There isn't for the JV-1080, so I've used 'Roland Gen MIdi', 'JV-1010', 'JV-2080' and some others.Recently, I downloaded and converted a cakewalknet.ini file to.pat.

Essentially, the same result in GM mode.(The converted cakewalk.ini.pat doesn't match my expansion card configuration, either and looks to have been somewhat edited/customized, so I know it will need further editing. Also, opening the converted patch file in notepad, it is formatted differently than the.pat available in the bb folder. It appears that there are several formats used for a.pat file.)BUT, in a 'Performance' mode setting on the JV, I CAN select higher patches through biab gui ('+') and many of the patches change - some sound close to what is expected, others are obviously not correct and some change (by default, I guess, when there is no valid higher patch?) to a regular GM bank patch.At this point, it appears that I need to have the JV in 'Performance' mode to access and select the higher banks through the biab gui. There are 64 'performances' that can be scrolled through with the JV value dial. They're all preset with different patches but I CAN select and change the instruments through bb gui - except the drums - though many of them are obviously wrong.If I am on the right track with this theory, then what I need are JV-1080 settings required and how to enter those settings on the JV.Google returned hits from a sonar forum where they were talking about setting up a 'default performance mode' on the JV itself to use the JV with the sonar gui patch selection. If something similar is required for biab (/RB), that's the info I need.Again, any advice will be appreciated, especially from JV-1080 users.#112897 - 04/30/11 02:51 PM Band-in-a-Box for Windows Re: BB2011 patch map help for Roland JV-1080 synth.

Hmm.I would also like to know the answer to Bob's (rharv) question: how exactly are you trying to access the higher patches now?I select an instrument button in BIAB and then click on the little plus sign to the left of the volume box. First, you load the.Pat file (once) and then you should be able to select the desired patch from the pull-down menu at left. Do the same for each instrument.I do NOT set GM mode on in BIAB or the Roland.I DO set Performance Mode (not Patch Mode) on the Roland, and it can be set to boot up that way.I do NOT select anything special for the.DK in BIAB; I just let it use the General MIDI. Granted, it has been many years since I cared about MIDI drums when I have RealDrums.The Roland JV-1080 was very popular but was last produced ten years ago, about the time I started using Roland synths, so my knowledge that is based on their newer units may not be applicable.Hope that helps. Quote:The scant 2 pages of instruction in the Roland manual about using the JV-1080 with a desktop computer system states to initalize the GM mode (press shiftGM) 'to play midi scores'.

This works fine for selecting the limited GM patch bank - 128 patches - through the biab gui. Of course, I'd like access the higher bank patches and expansion card patches through the biab / rb gui for another 1000+ patches.That is probably old info on using it in GM mode. Most Roalands need to be in performance mode to access extra banks.If that synth needs a special performance mode set up to work correctly, you'll need another JV1080 user to help.Accessing higher banks is most reliable using the MSB LSB changes to 'force' the synth to change. This info will be in the MIDI section of the manual. It may not be fun to read, but it is invaluable info. Labor thru the MIDI section of the manual and find what you need to make it work. Like I said earlier, some users like using the 'Classic Tracks' window because you can enter the MSB LSB info there easily.Reading the manual should help make sense of this.

There are two numbers that call up a bank (MSB and LSB - most significant byte and least significant byte) then the program number for that bank.For example a patch in Bank 22 may use MSB 22 and LSB 1 plus the program change number needed for that patch. All this info will be in the manual if it's a Roland (in my experience anyway).You can also enter MSB and LSB using control changes in the event list. But you'll still need access to the info on the numbers needed from the manual. Quote:How (exactly) are you trying to access the patches now?Quote:I would also like to know the answer to Bob's (rharv) question: how exactly are you trying to access the higher patches now?I select an instrument button in BIAB and then click on the little plus sign to the left of the volume box. First, you load the.Pat file (once) and then you should be able to select the desired patch from the pull-down menu at left. Do the same for each instrument.Good morning.

As you do; select an instrument button in BIAB and then click on the ('+') to the left of the volume box. Selecting an instrument in the resulting dialog box changes the patch. Also, entering the MSB, LSB and patch numbers changes the patch.They are just obviously wrong in with the JV-1080 in GM mode. I.e., selecting a wurly results in a helicopter.Quote:Most Roalands need to be in performance mode to access extra banks.If that synth needs a special performance mode set up to work correctly, you'll need another JV1080 user to help.Yes, got that now, many thanks to you both, Matt, rharv. On the right track, now. At least, no longer beating my head against a wall trying get a pig to fly, e.g. Higher banks working in GM Mode.No JV user help yet, but I did find some useful info on the web also suggesting the JV must be in a 'Performance' mode during 'multitimbral sequencing' to access upper banks.That info was about recording each part of a new performance from a controller keyboard and saving that performance to a user performance preset.

The writer stated it was best to select an existing preset performance which already has one patch to each midi channel, no layers, and modify and save it to a user preset. PRA-12 Pop Set was suggested as an ideal preset performance to modify.I was able to adapt some of that info to modify PRA-12 to create and name a user preset and save it to a user destination.

By changing another setting, the JV now boots to that preset if it was the last one used at shutdown.With this modified preset, patch selection was more successful. (The.pat file I'm using still needs editing to match my configuration.) Navigating through different songs, many patches were changeable through the ('+') dialog.Very encouraged with the progress, but.Unfortunately, after turning the JV off and back on, it didn't work.I overwrote USER Performance 1 (Techno). When I turned the JV back on, it did boot to the modified User Performance 1 preset and it did display the name I had assigned, but the instrument patches playing were back to the overwitten USER1 Techno performance.$%^#.!Ok. Each patch/part may need to be saved individually on the JV before saving the performance preset (?). I'll try it again today. I must have missed something.Question.

When opening a new file, the patches playing are the old Techno. Once (if) biab and the JV are correctly set, opening a new file should send a control change for those instruments saved in the biab song file, right? I have just assumed this is so.Is there a setting for this I'm missing in biab?I'm getting dizzy.Seems like this may work, eventually, but if anyone out there has another (.easier.)method, I'd appreciate the course correction.#112900 - 05/01/11 12:36 PM Band-in-a-Box for Windows Re: BB2011 patch map help for Roland JV-1080 synth. Quote:Quote:Unfortunately, after turning the JV off and back on, it didn't work.In case it matters, you must also restart BIAB after turning off and on the Roland.

BIAB must 'see' the synth when it starts, to have it listed in MIDI devices available. If you turn off the synth, you must restart BIAB.Thanks Matt! Yes, that does make a difference. Solved one issue. Still working on the others. Thanks again.Still open for additional guidance.#112902 - 05/01/11 01:47 PM Band-in-a-Box for Windows Re: BB2011 patch map help for Roland JV-1080 synth. When opening a new file, the patches playing are the old Techno.

Once (if) biab and the JV are correctly set, opening a new file should send a control change for those instruments saved in the biab song file, right? I have just assumed this is so.Is there a setting for this I'm missing in biab?You likely will not see the patch changes on the synth until you hit 'play' on BiaB. This is when it would send the patch changes via the MIDI out, not when it loads the file. Which is standard for any sequencer/DAW/accompaniment software. Makes sense, you may be loading one song while playing the synth as a segue, or still using it for another song in a live setting, etc. You wouldn't want the patches to change until the new song starts. As an even more 'in-depth' reason for this read on -Say the patch in the synth has a flange effect to the sound.

If it launched the sound when loaded, the flange may start it's cycling then, and depending when you hit play the flange may be at the top of a cycle or the bottom. Having the flange start when triggered by the sequnce ensures the cycle is replicated as desired. Even more true when you use the sequencer to contol an effects module. Nice to know how that effect is going to sound when you need it.

Jarre Songs On Jv 1080 Video

We used to 'time' the patch change on both a Boss SE-50 and Yamaha FX-500 effects modules for this reason when using a computer for the click (and lights and video etc).Edited by rharv ( 05/01/11 01:56 PM). Quote:You likely will not see the patch changes on the synth until you hit 'play' on BiaB. This is when it would send the patch changes via the MIDI out, not when it loads the file.Right. So, just like using a vsti softsynth, it is expected that loading a saved biab song, then selecting 'play' in the biab gui should load the correct instruments from the style (or the instrument presets previously saved in a biab song) into the JV? Same with 'replay', right?

(except that 'replay' doesn't regenerate the biab arrangement) Thanks#112904 - 05/01/11 03:35 PM Band-in-a-Box for Windows Re: BB2011 patch map help for Roland JV-1080 synth. Quote:They are just obviously wrong in with the JV-1080 in GM mode. Quote:Quote:They are just obviously wrong in with the JV-1080 in GM mode.

Jarre Songs On Jv 1080 Tv

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Jarre Songs On Jv 1080

You can also access this using the keyboard command Ctrl+Shift+J.The Ear Training tutor is a great way to learn to 'play-by-ear' - the program will play a chord, and you'll identify it. It's that easy! (or difficult, depending on how well you know your chords!) Plus, your score can be tracked so that you can record your progress. It's never too late to learn!Although this video is based on an older version of Band-in-a-Box®, it is still accurate - so check out this feature in action.

(or, load the program and give it a try!)Read more about this feature within our Online Manual,.#trainingtuesday.