by admin

Darnified Ui Has Been Detected In The Hud

No HUD Label, No Inside Label. Thread starter Pamela Crowley (Florida). HUD says flat out that if the labels are missing, the house is not eligible for FHA financing. has been operating since 2000 and has become the premiere online community for real estate appraisal discussions. No crashing, it works as intended, all mods are configurable, just that the message appears every time i pause As long as it doesn't effect anything,I wouldn't try fixing it,trying to fix it when it works usually leads to it screwing up more.

Darnified Ui Has Been Detected In The Hud

Contents.OverviewThanks to Axonis of the VUI+ mod for his critiques of the article and spurring me into realizing I had forgotten implementing a crucial step in the process.The way the player interacts with the game is through something collectively called the ' User Interface' (UI). This is an 'umbrella term' that includes everything from the game launcher options and hardware configuration Menus, through the loading screens and 'Main' & 'Pause' Menus, and into the information you see on the screen when the game is loaded (referred to as the ' Heads Up Display' (HUD)), and the Menus provided in the Pipboy, when trading, etc.There are over 250 UI mods on Nexus. Often times people find their UI is 'messed up' after adding one of these and have no idea as to the cause or solution. The basic problem is one of 'install order', which arises from multiple mods which have to use the same XML files to change the appearance of the Menus and Heads Up Display (HUD) in the game.

The last mod installed 'wins' file conflicts by overwriting files previously installed by other mods. THERE IS NO WAY TO WORK AROUND THIS FILE CONFLICT, unless you are willing and able to merge the desired elements of the conflicting XML files. Last overwrite of a file wins, always.

Some mods perform 'edits in place' to existing files, but if the current file is not what they expect, the edit may fail or produce unexpected results.In many cases these XML files are essentially the same and compatible with other mods. In some cases however they add extensive additional or changed entries but may be missing something another needs. See the 'MCM Warning' subsection below for particulars about this situation, but it can apply to any duplicated XML file. Sometimes you have to make a choice, or manually edit the XML to create a merged version. Either way, you have to figure out what the mod changes in order to make a choice. Users of NMM and other managers which work with 'symlinks' and 'empty data folders': The edits recommended to any of the following files need to be made to the actual files and not to the 'symlinked' versions found in the profile 'data' folder.

The edited files need to be the ones that actually get to overwrite both vanilla and other mod files. Check with the specific manager support team if you are not clear on what this means in your situation.

Base UIThe Heads Up Display (HUD is the means through which the player views the game world and from which they access other menus. For this reason, mods which make major changes to the HUD visuals are considered a 'base UI'.There are many mods which provide replacements to the vanilla HUD and associated Menus. They are implemented by replacing the vanilla XML files, or by inserting alterations to those files. For this reason alone mixing various UI elements from different mods not designed to work together is only for those prepared to dig into the technical details.Only one 'base UI' should be installed. If the mod changes the placement of the standard HUD elements (compass, HP, etc.) or underlying assumptions made by the vanilla HUD such as the size of fonts used before any other UI mods are applied, then consider it a 'base UI'.

(A good tip-off is if there are patches for it to work with other mods.) You should not expect multiple 'base UIs' to work together, unless listed on it's download page as 'compatible' with 'install order' instructions, or you edit them for compatibility. (But in that case, why not just create your own combining the desired features?)Examples of popular 'base UI' mods:.Programs and Tools. Any tool appropriate for examining the contents of a mod's archive format. Tools that can unpack an archive can look inside them to the folder tree structure, unless they are encrypted, even if the files contained are in a proprietary compression format.

Common ones in use on the Nexus are:. can handle multiple archive formats. can handle 'spanned' RAR archives and password protected files. Only works on RAR files. Some compression formats can only be unpacked with the proprietary tool.DetailsThe following set of HUD-UI-Menu mods for 'Fallout New Vegas' (FNV) in particular need to be in a specific order, and after all other XML file mods (i.e.

DarnUI, MTUI, 'Project Nevada', 'JIP Companion Command and Control', etc.) in general. The section lists this sequence, but you really should read the section to understand WHY the sequence is important.'

User Interface Organizer' ( UIO) does not need to be installed last. However, if you have more than one of the listed mods or any other mods that affect the XML files under the 'Menus' sub-folder, it should be installed. It will dynamically merge the XML files it knows about together into the designated menu each time the game is launched (by virtue of already knowing about them or via an added ' UIO support file') into a combined 'User Interface'; and restores them to their original state when the game is closed.

If a UI mod does not appear to be included when using UIO, check that it has a ' UIO support file' under 'Datauiopublic'. The list of mods of which it is already aware, along with simple instructions for creating a support file are available on the description page (as well as below in the section under 'Technical Details for Manual Installers').MCM WarningThe following specific case MCM warning message is used as the basis of this section but it applies to similar messages:'DarNified UI has been detected in the HUD but not the Start Menu.' 'Mod Configuration Manager' (MCM) inserts itself into the 'Main/Pause' menu of Fallout New Vegas (the screen with 'Continue', 'New', 'Load', 'Save', 'Settings', etc.) to combine compliant mods configuration settings into a single menu. It is a 'tool' used by other mods enabling them to configure settings IF (and only IF) the 'other' mod in question implements it (e.g. 'CASM' does not; 'CASM with MCM' does). If MCM is not listed as a 'requirement' for installing the mod, it almost certainly doesn't use it.

If no mod using MCM is installed, the MCM option does not appear on the 'Main/Pause' menu.One of the files installed by many of these UI mods is under the 'DataMenusoptions' folder, and is named 'startmenu.xml'. This is the 'start menu' referred to in the MCM error message, and there can be only one. Most of them are very similar, with minor variations in font and height for different elements but the 'DarNified UI' ('DarnUI') version adds considerable additional elements. The important thing is that it has all the elements most other 'extension' mods are expecting (as determined by comparing them for differences), so they don't have a problem with it as long as the visual positioning differences are overlooked.The complexity triggering this warning message arises because the DarnUI mod needs to be installed earlier in the process than other UI mods. DarnUI makes changes to the size and position of various HUD elements, which is one of it's primary attractions. The later installing mods need to be able to detect or be told that DarnUI has been installed so they can adjust to fit. (This is usually done by installing a DarnUI specific version or patch file.) Unfortunately if they also have a 'startmenu.xml' file (which they need if there isn't one already, so they usually include one), and it overwrites the one from DarnUI when they are installed later in the 'install order'.

This causes the specific DarnUI version of 'startmenu.xml' to be lost. MCM detects this, and you get the warning message.Some mod managers like 'Mod Organizer' apparently update/overwrite the installed files when they are adjusted in 'Load Order' (LO) position, so moving DarnUI later in the LO once all the mods have been installed causes DarnUI's 'startmenu.xml' file to 'win'; but other mod managers don't. For them, adjusting the LO doesn't help.There is a similar problem sometimes encountered with 'Project Nevada' because it includes an earlier version of MCM. You should install and use the later 'stand alone' version of MCM from it's own download page, but this can sometimes result in a warning about multiple 'MCM entries'.

This is due to more than one menu having the line '. You need to remove all but the one line in the 'menusprefabsincludesStartMenu.xml' file.This section is just a summary of the warning and the reason for it.

For more detailed information about MCM, please see section under the 'Technical Details for Manual Installers' section.INI Settings WarningExercise caution when altering INI settings, as some (at least 'bInvalidateOlderFiles=0', even when using 'ArchiveInvalidation' in a Mod Manager) can cause some or all of the mods specifically identified in this article to suddenly be unable to locate their respective files. If the INI changes are at fault, you will see the warning messages immediately upon loading any existing 'save game', not matter how old.

In that circumstance, try reversing your latest INI change(s) before you assume a mod or any of the suggested causes are at fault.UI Menu OverridesOnce you understand the cause, the solution in the case of DarnUI is simple: create an 'install package' (a simple 7Zip file will do) that has the DarnUI 'Menusoptionsstartmenu.xml' file and folder tree copied from the DarnUI package and install it with your mod manager or manually to the 'Data' folder after all the other UI modifying mods so it 'wins'. This article refers to this as a 'UI Menu Overrides' package, but you could name it whatever works for you. (Be sure to include the 'relative' path from the 'Data' folder; as in not including 'Data' or any mod package name like 'DarnUI', but with just 'Menusoptionsstartmenu.xml') so it goes into the correct folder.) MCM recognizes this 'start menu' file is from DarnUI and stops complaining, and it works fine with the other 'extension' mods, especially if they are expecting DarnUI.The simplest 'UI Menu Overrides' package just has the DarnUI 'startmenu.xml' file.

But there is no reason (other than the labor involved) it can't include other menu overrides or merged versions you want to be sure are installed last as well. In that case you can push it's position to later in the 'Last XML Override Files' mods list found under the section.HOWEVER, before you copy any XML file into your 'UI Menu Overrides' package you need to consider whether or not it will need to be modified by other UI mods (such as the quite common MCM or WMM). You should run those mods against the 'Base UI' menus or manually make the necessary edits before you copy them into your 'UI Menu Overrides' package. That way you are preserving any changes they make. This does not eliminate the need to understand the changes being made, as you may still need to remove duplicate entries.As an example, here is my personal version 'ReadMe' file:This is the original 'startmenu.xml' file distributed with DARNUIv04.

It has been copiedinto this separate package so it can be placed after the MCM package in BAIN, so theDarnUI file will override that package. DarnUI itself should be installed prior to MCM, sothis is the only way to get it's version of this file to 'win' the install order.This resolves the MCM warning message 'DarNified UI has been detected in the HUD but not thestart Menu. You will need to repair DarNified UI or remove it completely for MCM to appearcorrectly.'

Using the DarnUI 'startmenu.xml' file is the needed 'repair'.Now contains other 'overrides' as merged files to ensure compatibility with:. MCM 'menusoptionsstartmenu.xml'. PN 'menusoptionsstartmenu.xml' (identical to DarnUI version). PN 'menusmainhudmainmenu.xml'. oHUD 'menusmainhudmainmenu.xml'.

WMM 'menusmaininventorymenu.xml'. FlashlightNVSE 'menusprefabsflashlightbattery.xml'As a consequence, this override file should be installed last of the UI mods.Technical Details for Manual InstallersThe following discusses how various select plugins affect the vanilla UI XML files.

It is primarily of interest to those who wish to understand what changes each makes and how they can get these different changes to XML files to work together. Due to the sheer number of UI' mods available, only the most common are listed. Consider them a representative sample of the issues.If this is not of interest, then skip to the section of this article.XMLExtensible Markup Language (XML) is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable. It is defined by the W3C's XML 1.0 Specification2 and by several other related specifications,3 all of which are free open standards.4(Wikipedia article. The footnotes are in the article.)'XML is a general syntax - the meaning of a given element depends entirely on the program parsing the file.' Bethesda has implemented this in the Gamebryo game engine, but we can't see any of it's schema, dictionary, or rules.

To us, it's just tags; more similar to basic HTML than anything else. DoctaSax (all credit to him) developed a tutorial guide to, but it is on an 'Adult (18+) only' site. It is based upon the information published in separate sections on and (which still apply to FO3 and FNV), but DoctaSax has collected the information into one article. Emphasis on 'reading' (rather than 'writing') XML files. The schema from Oblivion appears to be consistent for FO3 and FNV, but it pays to be cautious. Things are not always as they seem. Nor does there appear to be any sort of 'sandbox' where you can test out Bethesda XML outside of the game.Technically, the HUD is a sibling Menu (datamenusmainhudmainmenu.xml) of 'datamenusoptionsstartmenu.xml', which runs initially and sets up the initial game UI.

The HUD is the means through which the player views the game world. All other Menus (Pipboy, Barter, Dialog, etc.) have to be opened by a specific keypress or selecting an option (i.e. Clicking on a button) or is called by a script; all of which are events that cause the HUD display to be hidden and make visible the selected Menu, which is then subsequently 'closed' (hidden) by exiting the Menu before access (visibility) to the HUD is restored.

Only one menu at a time can be 'open' (visible). For this fundamental reason 'startmenu.xml' is technically the 'base UI'. It tends to be regarded as the HUD as otherwise it is not visible, so such HUD mods commonly get considered the 'base UI'. If the 'startmenu.xml' or HUD menu is broken, the rest of the menu system is essentially also broken or at least inaccessible.FOMM and FOMOD ScriptingIf you are going to try to manually install a FOMOD packaged mod (with the file extension of '.fomod' or a standard archive extension (.7Z,.ZIP, or.RAR) package with a 'fomod' folder inside), then you will need a mod manager that can use that script format or be able to manually interpret the 'scripts.cs' file(s) developed for 'Fallout Mod Manager' (FOMM).

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These scripts can range in complexity from simple lines to copy files, edits to INI files, renaming existing files and activate replacement plugins, manipulate the load order, up to full blown programming actions based upon interaction with the user. If you are familiar with 'C#' or 'Java' programming, you can probably puzzle it out on your own. However, it's suggested you read the wiki series by Zumbs instead because it also answers commonly asked questions. (Note references to 'FOSE' are to the FO3 predecessor of 'NVSE' called 'Fallout Script Extender'.)All of the edits for specific mods below have been 'difference' compared to the resulting files from installing by way of FOMM/FOMOD scripts.

There are no significant differences I have been able to detect in the XML files identified. If you find any that have not been identified, please contact me by PM at the link provided at the beginning of this page.DarNified UI NV v.04Though the FNV version is not found on the Nexus, is a very popular mod despite the fact it is not directly compatible with the positioning of vanilla UI elements.


In fact, that is it's primary attraction: it uses smaller fonts to make more use of the available screen 'real estate'. Other UI mods have to make 'DarnUI patch files' in order to visually work with it. Even though labeled as a 'Work In Progress' (WIP) and 'Beta' version on it's support thread, it appears stable after many years of use. The author has not been active on Nexus since June of 2015. He had his own ' Forum' but it is now locked down, requiring you to already have an account and password to access with no way to join. There were not any updates there by Darn since 2011, but there was some community support. The old ' thread on Bethsoft Forums is still accessable, but also locked against new posts.See the first thread post of the Bethsoft link given above for installation instructions, include the required font changes.

Due to it's dynamic nature, never uninstall 'HUD-UI-Menu' mods that rely upon UIO until you have a 'clean exit' from the game. This is so UIO has the opportunity to restore things to their default state. 'Clean exit' means not after using or a CTD, or anything similar; nothing other than exiting to the desktop by way of the game menu.If you can't manage a clean exit (i.e.

The Main/Pause menu doesn't let you exit), then you will probably need to 'verify local files' and re-install your 'HUD-UI-Menus' (including UIO) again.Note also that you should reinstall ALL of these 'Last XML Override Files' mods you have installed whenever you have added or removed any other HUD-UI-Menu mods because these in particular need to see (or overwrite) those earlier mods' XML files at the time these mods are installed. Just deactivating and reactivating doesn't always work as required. As a general rule of thumb, all other HUD-UI-Menu mods should be installed prior (i.e.

Higher / lower numbered order) to these. Of course there are always exceptions (such as FlashlightNVSE) that you won't know about until they give a similar problem or just won't show up. In those cases, initially try placing them after oHUD, but you may need to experiment whether they will perform better before or after FlashlightNVSE and similar.

Credits and distribution permission. Other user's assets Some assets in this file belong to other authors. HUD Status Bars 5.3.2 Author: Ole Boe, a.k.a. TheNiceOneDate: Oct 25, 2011OBSE 19 (or later) required. OBSE 20 is recommended, and required for some bars.MenuQue required.size='4' Have as many bars you want and make the HUD look the way you want!

/size. More BarsYou have the three HUD status bars at the bottom left (most likely) of your hud, but with HUD Status Bars you can easily add more status bars that display anything you want it to display, like health of companions or summons, your encumbrance, charge of equipped weapon, sleep status (of sleep mods), etc.

The bars can be horizontal, vertical or filled circles, or be completely custom. And the bars can have text (with or without the bar).HUD Status Bars has big depth but is easy to use.

Just install it (and OBSE+MenuQue if you haven't already) and start up your game. The immediate change will be an Encumbrance bar above your health bar, a diseas display telling you when you're diseased, a weapon charge bar that is only visible when you have an enchanted weapon equipped, above the weapon icon - and a few other useful bars for you to discover.:)You can easily add more bars like this yourself, by adding 2 or more lines in HUD Status Bars' ini file for each bar. 'docsHud Status Bars ini file examples.txt' contains many other examples for you to copy into 'Hud Status Bars.ini', so it is easy to add more bars even for relatively inexperienced mod users.The bars can be horizontal, vertical or a filled circle - or even completely custom styles, and can easily be placed anywhere, relative to your other hud components. The bars can also display text, both static and variable text in a number of different ways (value of max, percentage, etc). The bar can have one of any of 15 different base colors, and the color can further be adjusted individually for the red/green/blue components. New lookHUD Status Bars lets you completely change the look of the HUD. This is done by moving/resizing/hiding the standard bars/icons, and by completely changing the look and improving the functionality of bars/icons replacing them.

Darnified Ui Has Been Detected In The Hud Program

Example of improved bars/icons are colored enemy health bar that also works when enemy's health is buffed above normal, or sneak icon that also displays amount of light falling on player, and health bar that changes color when you get a disease. See the preset ini files, or ini file examples for such bars.HUD Status Bars have an 'Hud Status Bars - base.ini' file where you define the position/hiding of standard bars/icons, and the standard look of the bars to use. By changing those, you can get a slightly improved HUD, or a dramatically different HUD.HUD Status Bars comes with three preset ini files to choose from: vanilla style, Skyrim style, and Orb style inspired by Diablo 3. Just swap ini files if you want to change it later, or adjust the existing one to your liking. New and better compass!HUD Status Bars also comes with three optional compasses.

Darnified Ui Has Been Detected In The Hudson

Round, orb style, Skyrim style or DarNified UI style.