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Turnitin Trick Late Submission

FUUUUUUUU how do i bypass late submission? There's a cutoff time at 12:00AM and i MISSED IT. It won't let me turn it in late. What the fuuck. May 26, 2016  If you want to get past Turnitin but you don’t want to write the entire thing yourself, you can go for the “have someone else write my assignment” option. While some students have continuously asked themselves how to trick Turnitin, others have already found.

Submit Paper To Turnitin

It’s a Friday morning. Awaken the giant within pf. Your alarm goes off for the tenth time. You look at the clock and realize you’ve hit the snooze button well into the first five minutes of your ever dreaded Friday morning class, which you’re only taking because it was the only thing open when you were. You grab your shoes and your books, spend ten minutes in line for coffee — because, yeah, it’s necessary — and finally sneak into a seat at the back of the class just in time to hear your professor ask that you send your assignments forward. My insert-obscure-family-member-here died. Not only is this just plain horrible (and really terrible karma), but you can actually get caught on this. And then you’d be the person who didn’t just not turn in their homework, but the one who killed off a family member in the process.

How would you get caught, you ask? Well, your professor might ask to see a death certificate or something else to prove that said family member, whose name you totally made up on the spot, actually died. True story: My professor actually asked to see a death certificate when a girl skipped a few classes after losing a family member. Now, she was telling the truth, but you aren’t. And won’t that be uncomfortable. I’m in love with you.

I’m not going to lie, I was watching reruns of Friends, the later years, and it was the episode when Ross’s student pretends to be in love with him to get out of a failing grade on his midterm. He claimed he was so preoccupied with his love for his professor that he just couldn’t concentrate on taking his test. As first I thought that was brilliant. “Next time I need an extension on an assignment I’ll just pretend that I’m in love with the guy, tell him I spend all my time thinking about him, and that’s why I never get anything done on time!” But as the episode went on, I realized 1) that it’s a TV show and 2) that this one can get very bad very quickly. I didn’t know we had homework.

Turnitin Trick Late Submission

When was that assigned? Everyone’s favorite excuse.

Simply pretend like you were never given the assignment to begin with, like you had no idea you were actually supposed to do this. (And you actually might not even remember.) Was this even mentioned in class, you’ll say? (It was.) When were we given this assignment? (Two weeks ago.) Shouldn’t you have made sure we were all aware of these due dates? Now here’s why this excuse will never work.

Turnitin Trick Late SubmissionTurnitin trick late submission video

Sorry For The Late Submission

You professor will look at you, smile, and say “It’s right there on your syllabus with all of your other assignments and due dates.” Ohright.