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Powershell Go To Directory

Go to specific parent directory with PowerShell. It would indeed be dandy to have such a function, so I invested some time and came up with the below implementation. To the first parent directory that whose name starts with the given target dir.Description Searches upwards to the root drive. Dec 11, 2018 - PowerShell may look a bit like the old MS-DOS, but the commands are far more powerful. Back in the day, CD was short for Change Directory. PowerShell users have long used a snippet from this post that gets the script folder. However, it doesn’t work as expected depending on how the script was loaded. However, it doesn’t work as expected depending on how the script was loaded.


Sets the current working location to a specified location.In this article Syntax Set-Location-Path -PassThru Set-Location-LiteralPath -PassThru Set-Location-PassThru-StackName DescriptionThe Set-Location cmdlet sets the working location to a specified location.That location could be a directory, a subdirectory, a registry location, orany provider path.You can also use the StackName parameter to make a named location stack thecurrent location stack.For more information about location stacks, see the Notes. Specify the path of a new working location.If no path is provided, Set-Location will default to the current user's homedirectory.If the path is the - character, then the new working location will be theprevious working location in history (if it exists).This is equivalent to using Pop-Location as if Push-Location had beenexecuted prior.Similarly, if the path is the + character, then the new working location willbe the next working location in history (if it exists). Type:StringPosition:0Default value:NoneAccept pipeline input:True (ByPropertyName, ByValue)Accept wildcard characters:False. Specifies the location stack name that this cmdlet makes the current locationstack.Enter a location stack name.To indicate the unnamed default location stack, type $null or an empty string(').The.-Location cmdlets act on the current stack unless you use theStackName parameter to specify a different stack. Type:StringPosition:NamedDefault value:NoneAccept pipeline input:True (ByPropertyName)Accept wildcard characters:FalseInputsSystem.StringYou can pipe a string that contains a path, but not a literal path, to thiscmdlet. OutputsNone, System.Management.Automation.PathInfo, System.Management.Automation.PathInfoStackThis cmdlet generates a System.Management.Automation.PathInfo object thatrepresents the location, if you specify the PassThru parameter.Otherwise, this cmdlet does not generate any output. Notes.The Set-Location cmdlet is designed to work with the data exposed by anyprovider.

Powershell Go To Home Directory

Go to directory in powershell

To list the providers available in your session, typeGet-PSProvider.